Our Products

J&M’s latest models of laboratory spectrometers, the TIDAS L series of diode-array spectrometers, follow an approach of integration. The TIDAS L instruments feature an integrated PC with a large, high-resolution touch screen running the powerful TIDASDAQ software. The instruments can be run stand-alone or be connected to your network to share the results of the analyses in your organization. The diode array technology gives you rapid results over the full spectrum with each scan.

Compact fiber optic diode array spectrometer for lab and education. Features > Absorbance, Transmittance, Fluorescence > UV, UV/VIS, VIS/SNIR > Low Noise PDA, 256 Pixel > High resolution CCD, 2048 Pixel

Universal high end fiber optic diode array spectrometer for research and pilot plant. Flexibility due to fiber optic > PMT, UV/VIS, NIR, Raman > Extremely Low Noise PDAs > High sensitive CCDs

The J&M accessories are optimized solutions for fiber based spectroscopy. A selected range of continuous light sources, monochromatic types such as LEDs, monochromators and lasers as well as optical fibers, cuvette holders, measuring cells, probes, fiber switches and software packages are available. Our accessories are available for UV to NIR measurements.